Anthony Albanese has praised the partnership between Australia and the Philippines, saying the countries were united by a vision of a “peaceful, secure, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific”. Philippines President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr addressed both houses of parliament on Thursday, declaring the Philippines would “not allow any attempt by anyContinue Reading

After a decade of slow but steady escalation, it’s crunch time in the South China Sea. As the world is distracted by the horrors in the Holy Land and the valiant struggle by Ukraine against Russia’s invasion – Beijing is “making mischief” in Philippine territory. And fears are soaring thatContinue Reading

The Philippines is making a “David versus Goliath” stand in the South China Sea, and it hopes its courage against overwhelming odds will reign in China’s growing aggression. This new tactic is already having the desired effect. Washington has demanded Beijing stop “harassment and intimidation” of Philippine fishing and coastContinue Reading