Welcome to You Got This, news.com.au’s weekly fitness series featuring stories and ideas from real women who’ve experienced it all. Losing weight is no longer the reason many Aussies are choosing to exercise, according to a new study. A thousand Australians were asked about their exercise habits in a surveyContinue Reading

Welcome to You Got This, news.com.au’s weekly fitness series featuring stories and ideas from real women who’ve experienced it all. A teenager with cerebral palsy thought she would never be able to play a team sport is now getting ready to play in the Para World Cup. Karina Grigorian wasContinue Reading

Welcome to You Got This, news.com.au’s weekly fitness series featuring stories and ideas from real women who’ve experienced it all. Infared saunas are all the rage right now thanks to its benefits for your skin and muscles – but would you try working out in one? Joy In Movement, alsoContinue Reading

Welcome to You Got This, news.com.au’s weekly fitness series featuring stories and ideas from real Aussies who’ve experienced it all. An Aussie who fell in love with running marathons after he needed something to get his mind off of a family tragedy, has now set a lofty goal to runContinue Reading

Welcome to You Got This, news.com.au’s weekly fitness series featuring stories and ideas from real women who’ve experienced it all. Riley Hemson has documented her life – including her love of fitness – on social media since 2016 but late last year she decided she would take on a newContinue Reading