NAB has raised the interest customers will pay for its fixed rate loans for the second week in a row. The major bank increased the fixed rate for owner-occupiers and investors by up to 0.20 percentage points after an increase to the same rates last Friday. The increases, combined withContinue Reading

As hundreds of thousands of Aussies brace for more mortgage repayment pain amid the Reserve Bank’s latest forecast, a financial expert has revealed the best way people can get their home loan right and avoid financial headaches. Marion Kohler, head of the RBA’s economic analysis department, delivered the grim newsContinue Reading

One of Australia’s major banks is slashing its fixed-term loan deals despite predictions the RBA will lift the cash rate on Tuesday. ING will decrease most of its fixed interest rates for both owner-occupiers and investors after tomorrow. Fixed-rate loans of just one year won‘t have rates reduced, however, thoseContinue Reading