BEIJING: China has alleged that the British Secret Intelligence Service MI6 turned two staff members of unnamed Chinese central state organs into spies for the British govt, its state security ministry said in a statement on Monday. The ministry said the case against the two spies, a married couple, isContinue Reading

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has backed ASIO chief Mike Burgess’ refusal to name the former politician who he said had betrayed Australia. Australia’s top security chief is under intense pressure to publicly name the ex-politician who he said was recruited by undisclosed agents from an overseas network. During his annualContinue Reading

The country’s top spy has warned of the rapidly increasing danger of espionage and foreign interference, revealing a former politician “sold out their country” to spies for a foreign actor that uses professional networking sites to target Australians with privileged information. In a rare insight into the workings of theContinue Reading