Australia’s Foreign Minister Penny Wong has indicated the federal government is considering recognising Palestinian statehood, which would help “build momentum towards a two-state solution” with Israel. The government’s criticism of Israel has increased recently as violence escalated in Gaza, with former ADF chief Mark Binskin appointed to scrutinise Israel’s investigationContinue Reading

Australia’s revolving door of prime ministers has returned with three of the nation’s senior political leaders holding the top job in as many days. With Prime Minister Anthony Albanese departing on Wednesday to attend a high-level Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) gathering in San Francisco, the role was passed on toContinue Reading

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has denied reports he has been officially invited to China. Earlier this week, The South China Morning Post cited both Chinese and Australian government sources in reporting President Xi Jinping’s government had extended an “in principle” invitation to visit Beijing. The article, published online on Tuesday,Continue Reading