For a Government that has promised to take action on climate change and environmental protection after a “decade of neglect” by the Coalition, Labor’s second budget has left experts and advocates bitterly disappointed. Although this budget was always expected to prioritise cost of living relief, there was hope that –Continue Reading

Fossil fuel subsidies have soared to fresh heights and will soon eclipse spending on the commonwealth’s fund to help Australians protect themselves from natural disasters, new analysis has found. Federal, state and territory governments are set to spend a record-breaking $57.1bn combined on assisting fossil fuel producers or major usersContinue Reading

The Australian Council of Social Service wants the federal government to ramp up the JobSeeker allowance by 50 per cent in this year’s budget, as the poorest struggle with the cost of living. As well as increasing JobSeeker from $50 a day to $76, ACOSS wants the Albanese government toContinue Reading