The scene in Sydney’s eastern suburbs where beloved teenager Yolonda Mumbulla died this week is largely deserted. There were no floral tributes, cards or teddy bears left outside the apartment block in North Bondi, where the 19-year-old mother was found unresponsive, when visited on Wednesday afternoon. Emergency services wereContinue Reading

An elderly man who, after 42 years of being an “extremely dependable” employee, was offered a sad barbecue and certificate has had an incredible change in luck. The sub-par recognition of John Bartlett, who without fail travelled 40 minutes to work on public transport every day for the “minimum wage”Continue Reading

Australian man Jason Kennison died on Mount Everest due to severe altitude sickness, his expedition organiser has said. Asian Trekking told the Nepalese government in a letter that the 40-year-old died of high altitude cerebral edema (HACE), according to the ABC. HACE refers to a life-threatening condition where the brainContinue Reading