One of life’s tasty little ironies: the stereotype of the loudly and proudly ignorant man, mouthing off about a subject without bothering to understand it first, is protested against most furiously by those who best embody it. Having seen Barbie at last (I prioritised the other one), and belatedly absorbedContinue Reading

Indigenous leader Warren Mundine has accused the ABC of bias regarding the Voice to Parliament. Appearing on the News Breakfast program, Mundine, a prominent advocate for the “No” campaign, strongly criticised the national broadcaster. The ongoing debate surrounding the Voice proposal has intensified, with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese delivering aContinue Reading

Opposition leader Peter Dutton says the Indigenous Voice to Parliament will be an “overcorrection” and risks regression, rather than progression. The first of 70 MPs to speak to the Constitution Alteration Bill in the House of Representatives this week, Mr Dutton said the proposed referendum was a “reckless roll ofContinue Reading