Packed-out and understaff emergency departments are the latest part of the nation’s healthcare system to be ringing alarm bells, according to a major new report. Performances have deteriorated in the overwhelming majority of categories over the last 12 years, such as wait times, and this trend can vary enormously dependingContinue Reading

Australians have taken to the internet to vent about the nation’s “decline”, saying our reputation as “the lucky country” is dissolving. Unattainable house prices, a struggling education system and the demise of treasured Australian brands were all among the factors cited by pessimistic residents. The flood of worry for theContinue Reading

A small change is coming to Medicare cards this year as Australia’s universal health system celebrates a major milestone. The commemorative design, largely similar to the existing design, will mark Medicare’s 40th anniversary and will be featured on all cards printed until the end of the year. Health Minister MarkContinue Reading

‘I’ll never forget the ultrasound tech’s tone’ Hannah Cox remembers the exact moment the energy in the room shifted at her 12-week ultrasound. “They could tell it was my first time so naturally I was a little nervous anyway, and they were explaining everything in the ultrasound to me,” recallsContinue Reading