Former premiers Daniel Andrews and Mark McGowan have been awarded the nation’s highest honour, despite their controversial handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Both have received the Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) for their significant contributions to public health. Mr Andrews was recognised for his health policies and infrastructureContinue Reading

Packed-out and understaff emergency departments are the latest part of the nation’s healthcare system to be ringing alarm bells, according to a major new report. Performances have deteriorated in the overwhelming majority of categories over the last 12 years, such as wait times, and this trend can vary enormously dependingContinue Reading

Overflowing bins piled with stinking rubbish scattered throughout some Sydney streets is symbolic of angry workers at flash point around the world as “economic volatility” sends people into financial pain. Strikes are increasingly threatening industries across the globe, including Australia, as everything from grocery prices to rents and energy costsContinue Reading