A motorbike and truck convoy, making its way through Sydney’s east, has copped criticism from both pro-Israel and pro-Palestine supporters, and branded “psychological warfare.” About a dozen riders from Al Quds community centre in Regents Park, their bikes adorned with Palestine flags, made their journey from Lidcombe to Coogee onContinue Reading

A “confrontation” between mask-wearing neo-Nazis and “anti-racist skinheads” took over the main street of an inner-city suburb of Melbourne on Friday night. The scary scenes caught on video, in which no one was injured, were reportedly sparked after around a dozen neo-Nazis wearing black balaclavas, some armed with knives, attemptedContinue Reading

Australia’s leading anti-hate advocate has launched a scathing attack on a group of men who allegedly celebrated Adolf Hitler’s birthday at a Melbourne restaurant, labelling the act an expression of “singular evil”. Dr Dvir Abramovich, chair of the Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC), has condemned a group of about 20 neo-Nazis whoContinue Reading