A clip of Brisbane workers moving a homeless man’s possessions in a park has sparked outrage online with viewers speculating the resident’s belongings were “destroyed” in the process. Posting to content-sharing site Reddit, a user shared the video they claimed to have shot during the night near their home inContinue Reading

A landlord in Victoria has said he views those living in his properties as “customers” and does not rent out to people on Jobseeker, as an inquiry hears growing calls to increase rent assistance. Long-time property owner Roman told a housing probe on Wednesday that while he had sympathy forContinue Reading

Sydney’s richest suburbs must become “taller” and “denser” with more high-rise apartments in order to tackle the housing crisis, a top government adviser has urged. In a report published on Wednesday calling for reforms to the state’s planning rules, NSW Productivity Commissioner Peter Achterstraat said “increasing density across Sydney canContinue Reading