The latest numbers from an economic measure known as the ‘crane index’ show positive momentum in the residential construction sector, which offers a glimmer of hope for Australians being hammered by the housing crisis. Right now, the number of cranes in the sky on building sites across the country hasContinue Reading

A new rental affordability report has found the housing crisis in Australia is “the worst it’s ever been”. Anglicare Australia is calling on the federal government to build more social housing as it released its annual Rental Affordability Snapshot on Tuesday. Of more than 45,000 rental listings across the country,Continue Reading

Australia’s thirteenth largest home builder Porter Davis Homes has collapsed suddenly placing 1700 projects in jeopardy across Victoria and Queensland, while another major construction firm has also gone under. Porter Davis Homes, which employs 470 staff members, appointed liquidators on Friday after failing to find someone to save the firm.Continue Reading