Australians overwhelmingly support a crackdown on Chinese investors buying real estate amid growing concerns over housing affordability, a new survey has found. Eighty-three per cent of Australians believe the government “should restrict the amount of investment in residential real estate that is permitted from Chinese investors”, according to the pollContinue Reading

Despite building and selling-out 17 designer apartment complexes, with more than a dozen other major projects on the way, developer Nightingale hasn’t made a single red cent. And Dan McKenna, the organisation’s chief executive, thinks the unconventional model could help address Australia’s crippling housing crisis. “In a nutshell, we’re aContinue Reading

NIMBY mayors in Sydney are “fear mongering” over plans to unlock thousands of new homes as they’re more worried about their own positions, the NSW housing minister says. Rose Jackson said some mayors were prioritising re-election at upcoming council polls ahead of solutions to the city’s housing crisis by “playingContinue Reading