Booths, the high-end UK supermarket chain, is parting ways with self-service checkouts in the majority of its stores. The decision to embrace staffed checkouts with pay points is part of Booths’ storewide renovations, aiming to elevate the customer shopping experience. “We’re not great fans of self-checkouts,” said Nigel Murray, ManagingContinue Reading

Australia could be just years away from a cashless society, with disadvantaged and older Aussies expected to feel much of the burden. Sarah Wells, a finance and money commentator, has predicted Australia will ditch the bank notes and loose change in the next three to five years, with the country’sContinue Reading

A BBC history podcast once asked historians to nominate who they thought was the greatest British prime minister. The first episode named the very first prime minister: Robert Walpole. Yet compared to his many world famous successors – two Pitts, a Peel and a Palmerston plus Disraeli, Gladstone, Churchill, ThatcherContinue Reading

Tesla has outlined plans to introduce a family of budget-priced electric cars to be manufactured at a new factory in Mexico. While the long-speculated circa-$40,000 Tesla – which many refer to as the Model 2 – didn’t break cover at a long anticipated investor day, Tesla outlined a plan toContinue Reading