Australia must confront the “inconvenient truths” about China’s positive contributions to the world, while also countering Beijing’s “massive” military expansion threatening regional security, Richard Marles says. The Defence Minister condemned “shrill and fundamentalist” inflammatory commentary about China, while also acknowledging the country was a significant source of “anxiety” for ourContinue Reading

The Formula 1 world has gone wild after hearing the host country’s “hauntingly beautiful” national anthem ahead of Sunday’s Azerbaijan Grand Prix, Local singer Aisel led a gorgeous rendition of the former Soviet state’s national anthem before the start of the race. Her performance came complete with dynamic costume changesContinue Reading

Dr Jordan Peterson has been roasted online for sharing a “male milking” BDSM fetish porn video falsely portrayed as being from a Chinese Communist Party “sperm bank”. “Such fun in unbelievable techno-nightmare CCP hell,” the Canadian psychologist wrote on Twitter on Saturday in the since-deleted post. The extremely graphic video,Continue Reading