WASHINGTON: The United States has concluded that five Israeli military units committed serious human rights violations against Palestinians in the West Bank before the Hamas attack in October, the State Department said Monday.Four of these units have taken remedial measures, State Department deputy spokesman Vedant Patel told reporters, with consultationsContinue Reading

People in Uganda are once again living in fear of execution after a ruling upheld the country’s terrifying anti-LGBTQ law. The Uganda constitutional court this week upheld the country’s Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 that was signed into law by President Yoweri Museveni in May. It includes the death penalty for “aggravatedContinue Reading

Amnesty International has raised alarm over the industrial mining of cobalt and copper for rechargeable batteries, detailing a string of ugly human rights offences related to the ongoing demand for electric vehicles and smartphones. In a newly released report titled Powering Change or Business as Usual?, Amnesty International and theContinue Reading

The Formula 1 world has gone wild after hearing the host country’s “hauntingly beautiful” national anthem ahead of Sunday’s Azerbaijan Grand Prix, Local singer Aisel led a gorgeous rendition of the former Soviet state’s national anthem before the start of the race. Her performance came complete with dynamic costume changesContinue Reading

Sanctions and travel bans have been slapped on Iranian and Myanmarese individuals and military entities for their “egregious” human rights abuses. Foreign Minister Penny Wong, speaking from London, announced the targeted measures would be immediately imposed. There are 16 members of the Myanmar military regime’s government State Administration Council hitContinue Reading

Fredrika Klarén doesn’t pull her punches. As the head of sustainability for Polestar, Klarén’s job is to push boundaries in the automotive business, occasionally pushing people out of their comfort zone. That includes the global mining industry, which she says is “notorious for corruption”. “I think it’s the most corruptContinue Reading