Australia has committed another $10m for food urgently needed in Gaza. The latest funding takes Australia’s humanitarian assistance to $72.5m since October 7. Federal frontbencher Anne Aly was in Jordan this week at an urgent meeting about aid in Gaza. “Ultimately, this is about Israel taking responsibility for this andContinue Reading

Pro-Palestine protests in Melbourne on Friday night were a display of “anti-Semitic, thuggish behaviour” and an attempt to assert primacy over Jewish Australians, the Coalition has claimed. The opposition’s defence spokesman Andrew Hastie made the claims on Sunday morning, as Defence Minister Richard Marles called for “careful language”. Hundreds ofContinue Reading

Repatriation flights bringing Australians home from war in Israel and Gaza have been suspended as the federal government scrambles to find alternative options. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade confirmed the flight cancellations on Saturday, citing a “highly challenging and rapidly changing” environment. “Unfortunately, we have been advised ourContinue Reading