Welcome to Ask Doctor Zac, a weekly column from news.com.au. This week, Dr Zac Turner explains why we get sick more often in the winter. QUESTION: Hi Dr Zac, I feel like our whole family has been sick for weeks now and we’re not even halfway through winter. Why doContinue Reading

In 2024, welcoming a new pet into your home comes with almost the same amount of pressure and additional equipment as welcoming a baby – and can be just as expensive. From puppy brain trainers to personalised food bowls and anti-anxiety weighted pet blankets, our appetite for pet accessories isContinue Reading

Google is revealing which conditions people were most curious about in 2024. The search engine giant has released its annual “Year in Search,” which breaks down the top queries for everything from news and entertainment to health and medical maladies. Here are the top 10 health-related questions of 2023 —Continue Reading