Australian diplomats in Israel have been briefed by the country’s military personnel regarding the death of an Australian aid worker. Australian chef Lalzawmi ‘Zomi’ Frankcom was among seven aid workers killed when three vehicles, marked with the branding of international food relief organisation, World Central Kitchen, were struck by IsraeliContinue Reading

NSW’s workplace health and safety regulator has been referred to the anti-corruption watchdog over “significant flaws” in the procurement of inaccurate monitoring devices meant to detect toxic silica particles which were meant to protect workers using engineered stone. In a scathing report handed down by the NSW auditor-general Margaret CrawfordContinue Reading

A partner at big four consulting giant Deloitte has stood down from his role while the corporate watchdog carries out a “confidential” investigation. At a parliamentary hearing, Deloitte revealed that the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) was investigating one of its bosses over unknown allegations. Deloitte appeared at aContinue Reading

Australia’s trade tensions with China “are its own fault”. And the soured relationship serves “as a lesson not only for Australia but also for other Western countries in how to handle their relations with China”. That was the message being broadcast by Communist Party-controlled media outlets the South China MorningContinue Reading