Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has condemned the application by the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor to seek arrest warrants for Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, alongside senior Hamas figures, branding the move “appalling”. The comments echo similar calls made by US President Joe Biden, who swiftly condemned theContinue Reading

Anthony Albanese has been grilled over China’s accusation the Australian military deliberately “trouble” when it approached Chinese airspace on Saturday. The prime minister trod lightly in his response when probed on the tense matter by Gareth Parker of Nine, which in partnership with Business News presented ‘Breakfast with the PrimeContinue Reading

A senior Liberal says Israel’s killings of aid workers should have been prevented but has refused to call the attacks a breach of international law, as the Coalition faces accusations of being “weak” amid outrage over Israel’s conduct in Gaza. Two Israeli officers were sacked after an investigation found droneContinue Reading