Australia has named and shamed a Chinese government-backed hacking group. The cybercriminals stole hundreds of unique usernames and passwords in one hacking incident in April 2022. It’s the first time Australia has led the charge to identify a notorious group, tracked as APT40, which has acted behalf on the People’sContinue Reading

You might have assumed a diner with jugs of beer and trays of chicken wings served by women in teeny tiny shorts would have been cost-of-living proof. Apparently not. The famous, perhaps infamous, Hooters restaurant chain has announced that it will close more than 10 per cent of its USContinue Reading

Shares in Mexican fast-food giant Guzman y Gomez have surged after the beloved burrito business went public today, pushing the value of the growing chain to $3bn. The company’s massive initial public offering raised $335.1m from investors, which CEO and founder Steven Marks said he would use to fuel furtherContinue Reading