TEHRAN: Thousands of people gathered in Tehran on Friday for the funerals of seven members of the Revolutionary Guards killed in a strike in Syria, which Iran blamed on Israel.The Guards, including two generals, were killed in the air strike on Monday which levelled the Iranian embassy’s consular annex inContinue Reading

VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis at the last minute skipped reading his homily during a Palm Sunday Mass for tens of thousands of people St. Peter’s Square but continued presiding at the service.In recent weeks the 87-year-old pope has been suffering on and off from bronchitis and influenza and has delegatedContinue Reading

In a noteworthy development, Dani Dayan, Chairman of the Yad Vashem memorial centre in Jerusalem, has expressed approval of the criticism directed at three prominent U.S. university presidents for their remarks on campus antisemitism. While acknowledging the backlash against the university leaders, Dayan emphasized that a pervasive antisemitic climate inContinue Reading