Time is running out for the US to avoid a partial government shutdown in five days, as right-wing House Republicans refuse to budge on demands for massive spending cuts, including ceasing aid for Ukraine. President Joe Biden has called on Republicans in Congress to “start doing the job America electedContinue Reading

WASHINGTON: President Joe Biden late Wednesday brushed off the House Republicans‘ impeachment inquiry, saying the way he sees it, they launched the investigation against him because they want to shut down the federal government. Biden, speaking at a Democratic fundraiser in Virginia, said that instead of being concerned about theContinue Reading

NEW DELHI: White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, on Thursday, strongly criticized the Republican intentions to initiate an impeachment inquiry against president Joe Biden. She categorically denounced the effort as baseless, emphasizing that no concrete evidence has been presented by Republicans to support their investigation into the business dealings ofContinue Reading

WASHINGTON: With just two days to spare, President Joe Biden signed legislation on Saturday that lifts the nation’s debt ceiling, averting an unprecedented default on the federal government’s debt.The White House announced the signing, done in private at the White House, in an emailed statement in which Biden thanked congressionalContinue Reading