A woman who moved Down Under has taken aim at Australia’s dating culture, specifically how men don’t pursue women in a way she is used to. Annaleise May is originally from New Zealand and moved to Australia, and revealed she was startled by the difference in dating cultures between theContinue Reading

A Sydney mother has called on Australia’s policymakers to have some “understanding” when it comes to the Bondi stabbing, saying the killer should be treated as a “troubled soul” who was suffering from complex issues. Vanessa Kenny has a 17-year-old son who has been diagnosed with anxiety, autism, Tourettes, andContinue Reading

The son of one of the most famous models of all time looks just like his Canadian mother as the pair walk the red carpet. Augustin James Evangelista joined his mother Linda at the 2024 Groundbreaker Awards Dinner during Design on a Dime 2024 at Metropolitan Pavilion in New YorkContinue Reading