An Australia-first Bill that would have criminalised men who buy sex but decriminalise the women who sell it has been knocked back by a single vote after an emotional late-night debate in state parliament. South Australia’s upper house voted 10-9 to reject the “Nordic model” reform to its prostitution lawsContinue Reading

A man convicted over one of Australia’s worst serial killings could walk free in a matter of months after spending over two decades behind bars. Mark Ray Haydon was convicted for assisting murderers in South Australia’s notorious “bodies-in-the-barrels murders”, committed by John Justin Bunting, Robert Joe Wagner and James SpyridonContinue Reading

Another state is moving to ban Nazi symbols and gestures as Australia grapples with how to attack and beat back a sudden nationwide rush in anti-Semitism. South Australian Attorney-General Kyam Maher said his government would introduce legislation into parliament this week to specifically prohibit public displays of swastikas or theContinue Reading

One Aussie state has promised to crack down on its response to child sex abuse, with sweeping new laws kicking in from this week. The South Australian government’s new regulations, which includes bail reform to language changes in legislation, is set to begin – the government claiming the renewed lawsContinue Reading