Australia’s domestic spy agency wants to give up its right to request warrants to question children as young as 14 after it reported only a handful of minors had been charged with terror offences since 9/11. ASIO told a parliamentary inquiry that the federal government should scrap laws that enableContinue Reading

NSW Premier Chris Minns revealed he is “not prepared to say” he has full confidence in the state’s multibillion-dollar mental health network, after Sydney was rocked by two horrific alleged knife attacks. Six people were killed at the Bondi Junction Westfield on Saturday after Queensland man Joel Cauchi attacked shoppersContinue Reading

The peak body for Jewish Australians has lodged vilification complaints against two Sydney Islamic preachers over sermons that described Jewish people as “monsters”, “vile”, and “bloodthirsty”. In complaints to the Australian Human Rights Commission, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry says the two “anti-Semitic sermons” delivered by western Sydney clericsContinue Reading