Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joined Chinese Premier Li Qiang at a special banquet on the final day of the high-profile visit, even as diplomatic storm clouds continue to shadow the premier’s four-day sojourn in Australia. Speaking to the banquet hall at the Westin in the Perth CBD on Tuesday, MrContinue Reading

Senior Labor and Nationals MPs have clashed in a fiery confrontation over Chinese-Australian relations. Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth and Nationals senate leader Bridget McKenzie squared off either side of referee-slash-television host Karl Stefanovic on Tuesday morning. Sparks flew over announcements and sideline events stemming from Chinese Premier Li Qiang’sContinue Reading

Australians overwhelmingly support a crackdown on Chinese investors buying real estate amid growing concerns over housing affordability, a new survey has found. Eighty-three per cent of Australians believe the government “should restrict the amount of investment in residential real estate that is permitted from Chinese investors”, according to the pollContinue Reading