Rescue teams have arrived from Egypt, Tunisia, the UAE, Turkiye and Qatar. But the efforts are hindered by the political fractures in a country of 7 million people, at war on-and-off and with no government holding nationwide reach since a Nato-backed uprising toppled Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. An internationally recognisedContinue Reading

BENGHAZI: At least 150 people were killed when freak floods hit eastern Libya, officials said Monday, after storm “Daniel” swept the Mediterranean, its torrential rains earlier lashing Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece.Images filmed by residents of the Libyan disaster area showed massive mudslides, collapsed buildings and entire neighbourhoods submerged under muddyContinue Reading

The recent revolt led by Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the notorious Russian mercenary group Wagner, has raised significant uncertainties about the future operations of the organisation in distant regions. For years, Wagner has been viewed as a formidable tool of Moscow’s influence, particularly in Syria and Africa, acting asContinue Reading