The Australian share market firmed on Wednesday as healthcare, financials and materials stocks offset heavy losses booked by oil producers. The benchmark S&P/ASX200 climbed 0.3 per cent, or 22.5 points, to reach 7257.80 points, while the broader All Ordinaries rose a similar amount, to finish at 7469.10 at the closingContinue Reading

The local benchmark fell to a two-month low on Tuesday as equities continue their correction after a round of central bank meetings last week signalled interest rates would need to stay higher for longer. The S&P/ASX 200 sank by 38.4 points, or 1.3 per cent, to 2949 points as bondContinue Reading

The Australian share market has begun the week flat with a sell-off of miners stocks. The ASX200 closed with 7306.40 points on Monday after dropping 0.10 per cent or 7.50 points across the day. The miners were overall the biggest losers, with materials companies dropping 1.41 per cent across theContinue Reading