A grieving father has revealed his teenage daughter’s disturbing search history before she took her own life, claiming social media preyed on his daughter’s vulnerability about her understanding of a healthy life. Fitness coach Robb Evans made the disturbing revelation on Nine’s 60 Minutes, telling the program his daughter LivContinue Reading

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has encouraged all media outlets to “do better” in their management of internal complaints, after allegations surfaced that former Nine Network news boss Darren Wick had acted inappropriately towards a female staff member. Mr Wick, Channel Nine’s recently departed head of news and current affairs, quitContinue Reading

Australia’s “highly competitive” telecommunications sector is under “dynamic strain”, Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has warned, after the country’s largest telco Telstra revealed it would slash 2800 direct jobs before year’s end. Announced by Telstra boss Vicki Brady on Tuesday, the telecommunications giant swung the axe in what is largest redundancyContinue Reading