Labor Party stalwart Doug Cameron has unleashed on governments responsible for decades of poor policy decisions that have “failed the nation”, resulting in a dire housing crisis. And he called on powerbrokers in Canberra to ignore “scare campaigns by vested interests” to reform controversial tax perks like negative gearing andContinue Reading

The government has gone all-in on its strategy to solve the crippling housing crisis, upping its bet on a long-term fix over short-term relief. Tuesday’s budget includes $6.2 billion of additional spending for new measures to boost housing supply via social housing investment, infrastructure improvement, and student accommodation. It addsContinue Reading

Australia is being urged to follow the lead of New Zealand in dramatically slashing the country’s migrant intake and tightening rules surrounding sought-after visas. Four months after coming to power, the coalition government across the ditch has taken steps to address “unsustainable” levels of immigration, after a near-record high ofContinue Reading