Australia will ramp up joint security patrols with the Philippines to counter China’s “aggressive” behaviour in the South China Sea. Defence Minister Richard Marles flew to Manila for talks with his Filipino counterpart Gilberto Teodoro on Friday. He announced that more than 2,000 Australian and Philippine defence personnel will undergoContinue Reading

A United States naval vessel has become the first ever to be commissioned in Australia. The USS Canberra was commissioned in a ceremony in Sydney on Saturday, meaning it is now officially in active service. The Independence-class littoral combat ship was designed by Australian shipbuilders Austal Limited in Fremantle, WesternContinue Reading

Despite concerns Australia’s planned military upscaling could dampen any trade or diplomatic breakthrough with China, the latest minister to visit Beijing says it was “not mentioned” during the meeting. Instead, a “successful” meeting between Trade Minister Don Farrell and his Beijing counterpart Wang Wentao last week could ensure Australian barleyContinue Reading

The Philippines is making a “David versus Goliath” stand in the South China Sea, and it hopes its courage against overwhelming odds will reign in China’s growing aggression. This new tactic is already having the desired effect. Washington has demanded Beijing stop “harassment and intimidation” of Philippine fishing and coastContinue Reading