The man accused of murdering a beloved children’s doctor is set to answer the charges against him following his latest appearance at court. Kerem Aydin appeared again before Magistrate Simon Smart for a committal hearing at Adelaide Magistrates Court on Wednesday following an adjournment in early May, which was grantedContinue Reading

After three days of back-and-forth arguments, a trio of appeal judges are now deliberating Chris Dawson’s fate. The appeal hearing was held over three days from Monday to Wednesday this week, with Dawson’s lawyers arguing the former school teacher suffered from a “miscarriage of justice” as it could not beContinue Reading

Chris Dawson has been accused of having a “complete lack of sentiment” towards his two young daughters during the third day of the wife killer’s murder charge appeal. The 75-year-old appeared at the NSW Supreme Court via video link on Wednesday wearing prison greens as crown prosecutor Brett Hatfield arguedContinue Reading