Looking at the bright smiles and laughing faces of the men and women in these photos, you would be forgiven for thinking they were a group of friends enjoying a fun summer holiday. The people in these black and white images appear to not have a care in the worldContinue Reading

Former treasurer Josh Frydenberg wants universities to follow Deakin’s lead in ending pro-Palestine encampments on campuses across the country. Deakin University’s Burwood campus in Melbourne has hosted a relatively small camp of about 20 people each night since early May. A standoff could eventuate this week; the deputy vice-chancellor hasContinue Reading

This chef is laying down the rules: behave — or get chopped. A newly-opened restaurant in New York called Frog Club in the West Village has shared a list of rules customers need to abide by including no selfies in the bathroom. The list, published on the restaurant’s Instagram, setsContinue Reading