Anna Coutts-Trotter says conversations with fellow survivors of abuse led to her founding the Survivor Hub, a survivor-led, not-for-profit organisation that supports people impacted by sexual assault. Ms Coutts-Trotter, 23, told ABC’s Australian Story she experienced “every kind of abuse imaginable”, including violence, in her first relationship while she wasContinue Reading

NSW Planning Minister Paul Scully has called on Australian and international companies to “step up” and invest in Sydney’s Aerotroplis and Bradfield City Centre, with less than 1000 days until Western Sydney International Airport opens. Speaking to attendees at Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue’s Airport City Summit, which marked 10 yearsContinue Reading

NSW’s workplace health and safety regulator has been referred to the anti-corruption watchdog over “significant flaws” in the procurement of inaccurate monitoring devices meant to detect toxic silica particles which were meant to protect workers using engineered stone. In a scathing report handed down by the NSW auditor-general Margaret CrawfordContinue Reading