The US has passed legislation allowing Australia to purchase three Virginia-class nuclear-powered submarines as part of the landmark AUKUS deal. The House of Representatives and Senate overwhelmingly passed a key defence spending Bill on Thursday after Republican moderates pushed past a revolt by hard-line members of their party. The BillContinue Reading

Defence Industry Minister Pat Conroy has rejected cost and transparency concerns around the federal government’s AUKUS nuclear submarine deal, arguing the program will be critical to defending Australia’s national security amid increasing military build-up and rising global tensions. In a speech to the National Press Club, Mr Conroy said costsContinue Reading

Australia’s defence strategy “just doesn’t cut it” amid a rising China, former defence force chief and one of the co-author’s of the wide-ranging Defence Strategic Review has warned. Sir Angus Houston, appearing at the Washington-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies on Thursday, heavily criticised Beijing’s growing military activity inContinue Reading