A top Australian engineer has warned the country’s power grid is unstable and incapable of coping with surging demand – and has proposed a controversial solution. Adi Paterson is the former chief of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation and has written to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese demanding urgentContinue Reading

Death, taxes, and Year 12 students complaining about the first English paper of the HSC exams. New South Wales high school graduates began two-and-a-half weeks of final exams on Wednesday with the first of two dreaded, mandatory English papers. Like clockwork, once the first paper was finished, students took toContinue Reading

A Melbourne-based writer is copping significant backlash after complaining that men can no longer compliment women on their appearance without being seen as creepy. According to Christopher Bantick, the fact a woman may not appreciate a complete stranger approaching them and commenting on their appearance is a travesty. In fact,Continue Reading