Jack Teixeira, the 21-year-old suspect accused of leaking classified US intelligence documents, has been hit with two charges that could see him spend decades in prison if found guilty. Mr Teixeira, a Massachusetts Air National guardsman, was arrested by heavily armed federal agents clad in armour at his mother’s homeContinue Reading

Pentagon chiefs have admitted they do not know the origins of the mysterious objects that have been brought down. Fighter jets have been scrambled to bring down a balloon and three unidentified orbs over the past eight days. It comes just a week after a Chinese spy balloon was shotContinue Reading

The US government has received more than 500 reports of unidentified flying object (UFOs) sightings since 2021, with hundreds remaining unexplained. According to a report from the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), 247 “unidentified aerial phenomenon” (UAPs) reports have been filed with it since June 2021. The figure is anContinue Reading