A New Zealand woman has shared her horrifying experience with stalking in a bid to get the “terrifying” act criminalised. Aotearoa New Zealand is currently experiencing a dramatic increase in the amount of online stalking and harassment, which has sparked a national call for it to be “immediately made aContinue Reading

NSW Premier Chris Minns revealed he is “not prepared to say” he has full confidence in the state’s multibillion-dollar mental health network, after Sydney was rocked by two horrific alleged knife attacks. Six people were killed at the Bondi Junction Westfield on Saturday after Queensland man Joel Cauchi attacked shoppersContinue Reading

Beijing has cautioned Canberra against making “reckless and impossible accusations against China”, and rejected accusations a Chinese warship injured Australian navy divers. Over the weekend, Australia accused China of “unsafe and unprofessional” conduct at sea when divers from the HMAS Toowoomba were injured by sonar pulses emitted from a ChineseContinue Reading