Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth has accused the Coalition of “misleading” the public over record migration as leaders leap to point the blame over who is responsible for housing shortages. Queensland Labor Premier Steven Miles has supported Peter Dutton’s proposal to slash Australia’s permanent migration intake down to 160,000 toContinue Reading

Australia is being urged to follow the lead of New Zealand in dramatically slashing the country’s migrant intake and tightening rules surrounding sought-after visas. Four months after coming to power, the coalition government across the ditch has taken steps to address “unsustainable” levels of immigration, after a near-record high ofContinue Reading

Australia will launch a green card-style visa ballot to bring 3000 Pacific workers and their families to the country every year. Pacific Minister Pat Conroy said the change to Australia’s permanent migration system would be a “critical way” of improving, and building people-to-people links with the Pacific family. Legislation willbeContinue Reading