Australia’s communications and media watchdog has launched legal action against Optus over the 2022 data breach, in the latest blow for Australia’s second biggest telco. The Australian Communications and Media Authority has filed proceedings in the Federal Court, alleging Optus “failed to protect the confidentiality of its customers’ personal informationContinue Reading

A cybersecurity expert has warned against Instagram’s latest “Get to Know Me” trend, which exposes answers to security questions. Eliana Shiloh, who goes by @elshiloh on TikTok and works as a cyber and strategic risk analyst at Deloitte, took to social media to warn people about the trend after almostContinue Reading

A man has been sentenced to more than two years in prison for purchasing stolen information from an online criminal marketplace on Wednesday. The 25-year-old man’s house in the Brisbane suburb of Woolloongabba was searched in October 2022, after first coming to police attention in November 2020. While officers executedContinue Reading

A landlord in Victoria has said he views those living in his properties as “customers” and does not rent out to people on Jobseeker, as an inquiry hears growing calls to increase rent assistance. Long-time property owner Roman told a housing probe on Wednesday that while he had sympathy forContinue Reading