It is undeniable that Generation Z had a major impact on workplaces in 2023. The eldest in the generation entered the workforce with a bang and made it very clear they weren’t going to blindly accept the “hustle culture” mindset promoted by Millennials, and certainly not the value Boomers placeContinue Reading

Nineteen men have been charged, and thirteen vulnerable Australian children were rescued from a sophisticated online child abuse network as a result of a joint investigation led by the Australian Federal Police. Codenamed “Operation Bakis”, the landmark operation — that merged efforts of the AFP and state and territory policeContinue Reading

The entrepreneur behind a $100m fortune has revealed how he has kept his sanity and work-life balance while building his company. Jack Delosa, the founder, chairman and executive director of business coaching provider The Entourage, urged business owners to find their own version of self-care and to invest time inContinue Reading