A Sydney couple are Jetstar’s most travelled members after having visited every destination on the airline’s network — there’s 34 in total — and saving a huge $20,000 worth of flights in the meantime. Like everyone, Julia and Josh Brown, from Picton, NSW, love a bargain especially when it comesContinue Reading

It’s not exactly “best practice”. But the promotional banners displayed by Chinese defence contractors have a history of revealing new projects. It appears their next-generation nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is no exception. Corporate images from the state-owned Jiangnan Changxing Shipyard in Shanghai are circulating on China’s internal social media platforms. WhatContinue Reading

The Australian archaeologist, held captive by armed gunmen for more than a week in the Papua New Guinea wilderness, has been released. Professor Bryce Barker, along with colleagues Cathy Alex, Jemina Haro, and PhD student Teppsy Beni, were taken hostage in highlands near Mount Bosavi while conducting field work. PNGContinue Reading