An Australian Federal Police (AFP) officer has died after taking their own life at the organisation’s Perth headquarters. It happened on Friday at the AFP’s offices on Murray Street in West Perth. The 34-year-old was a Protective Service Officer, and the incident is being investigated by WA Police. AFP CommissionerContinue Reading

Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw has fronted budget estimates on Friday after the AFP entered into a $794,000 contract with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Mr Kershaw failed to declare a conflict of interest over his relationship with former NSW Police commissioner Mick Fuller, now partner at the beleaguered consulting firm, afterContinue Reading

Working Australians have slammed the Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw for his citing research regarding how much “praise” each generation requires from their supervisor to do their job well. While speaking to the Senate Estimates Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee on Wednesday, Commissioner Kershaw discussed workforce habits, with hisContinue Reading

Australia’s top cop has claimed young workers need to be praised “three times a week” by their supervisors, and that they find happy face emojis “offensive”. Addressing senate estimates on Thursday, AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw said there was a huge divide in how each generation needed to be managed atContinue Reading

Australians concerned they’re the target of foreign spies have been urged to alert authorities under a fresh campaign to fight foreign interference. The federal police will launch the grassroots campaign on Monday to better educate Australia’s multicultural communities amid fears potential crimes are going unreported. The move comes less thanContinue Reading