The crushing defeat of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum could risk further uncertainty for the future of state and territory-based Voices to parliament. Indigenous advisory bodies are not new in Australia with some states and territories having already established, or are working towards the implementation of, Indigenous-led bodies informingContinue Reading

A leading Australian pollster has revealed the startling socio-economic divide between the suburbs expected to vote No in the Voice to parliament referendum and the suburbs likely to swing Yes. Kos Samaras, director at influential polling firm Redbridge, tweeted a map of Victorian electorates based on the firm’s polling data.Continue Reading

Police are hunting for vandals who defaced speed limit road signs to read ‘No’ across regional South Australia in another mark of a growing ugliness in the Voice to parliament referendum campaign. Motorists across the state reported the altered signs, with the 110 speed limit figure vandalised to read “No”Continue Reading