Minerals-rich WA is Australia’s proverbial boomtown, with a rich economy pulling in a growing swell of Australians and international migrants eager to “go west” and live the good life. Commonwealth Bank’s latest quarterly economic report on each state and territory and how they stack up against each other shows mining-heavyContinue Reading

Treasurer Jim Chalmers is facing criticism for remarks made in an interview about the cost-of-living crisis and painful pressures facing millions of Australians. Speaking with veteran political commentator Michelle Grattan for her podcast on The Conversation, Dr Chalmers implied those struggling will have to wait until next year for relief.Continue Reading

A landlord in Victoria has said he views those living in his properties as “customers” and does not rent out to people on Jobseeker, as an inquiry hears growing calls to increase rent assistance. Long-time property owner Roman told a housing probe on Wednesday that while he had sympathy forContinue Reading

A short plane ride from here, a city once crushed beneath the weight of skyrocketing rents and eye-watering property prices has found a solution to the type of housing crisis plaguing Australia’s major cities. While bold and quite controversial, the fix was relatively simple, quickly implemented and highly effective, dramaticallyContinue Reading