A group of protesters who have targeted Western Australian-based energy giant Woodside have fronted a Perth court after their activism allegedly breached the law. Disrupt Burrup Hub members Jessie Noakes, Gerard Mazza, Matilda Lane-Rose and Emil Davey all appeared before Perth Magistrates Court on Tuesday, charged with conspiracy to commitContinue Reading

A protester has been arrested by police after allegedly forcing the evacuation of Woodside Energy’s Perth office building by setting off a “stench bomb”. Musician Kristen Morrissey walked into the Woodside building on Mount St about at 10am Thursday and allegedly set off a device which spewed “safe, non-toxic ethylContinue Reading

The Australian archaeologist, held captive by armed gunmen for more than a week in the Papua New Guinea wilderness, has been released. Professor Bryce Barker, along with colleagues Cathy Alex, Jemina Haro, and PhD student Teppsy Beni, were taken hostage in highlands near Mount Bosavi while conducting field work. PNGContinue Reading

A major energy company has again been targeted by activists opposed to a massive gas project in Western Australia’s Pilbara region. About 9.30am Monday, lead singer of Perth punk band Last Quokka, Trent Rojahn, used a fire extinguisher charged with bright yellow paint to blast the ground floor windows ofContinue Reading