Westpac have been publicly sanctioned for the sudden closure of a branch in a remote part of the Northern Territory, leaving vulnerable customers without access to their money or banking services. The Banking Code Compliance Committee (BCCC) found the bank failed to provide customers adequate support when it suddenly closedContinue Reading

ASIO boss Mike Burgess will continue to lead the spy agency for another term. Federal Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil confirmed Mr Burgess’ appointment will remain as Director-General of Security for an additional five-year term. “Mr Burgess has made an extraordinary contribution to Australia’s national security and his leadership ofContinue Reading

Defence chiefs have revealed the VIP flight data on politicians travel published on its own website is “corrupted” and has underestimated and over-estimated the travel of federal ministers and MPs. The extraordinary claim emerged under questioning at Senate estimates on Wednesday as defence secretary Greg Moriarty and Chief of theContinue Reading

On August 27, 23 US Marines were on board an MV-22B Osprey aircraft when it crashed over the Tiwi Islands off the Northern Territory during a routine military training exercise, taking the lives of three American Marines. The horror crash comes just one month on from the Talisman Sabre helicopterContinue Reading

In 2016, Kim Kardashian was in mourning. The celebrity megastar had lost a companion, a confidant, business partner and personal assistant. This wasn’t a human being; her very last BlackBerry mobile phone had died. Despite having access to wealth some of us can only dream of, Kardashian was a long-timeContinue Reading