An urgent warning has been issued to users of Apple’s iphones, iPads and MacBooks after the global tech giant discovered “system vulnerabilities” and issued a “zero-day alert”. Tech consultant Shelly Palmer explained to his email subscribers a “zero-day alert” is “geekspeak for system vulnerabilities serious enough to warrant a softwareContinue Reading

Former US president Donald Trump allegedly slipped sensitive details about America’s nuclear submarine fleet to an Australian billionaire, reports have claimed. American news channel ABC News reports Mr Trump told cardboard industrialist Anthony Pratt the exact number of nuclear warheads carried by US submarines and how close they could getContinue Reading

Former US president Donald Trump allegedly slipped sensitive details about America’s nuclear submarine fleet to an Australian billionaire, reports have claimed. American news channel ABC News reports Mr Trump told cardboard industrialist Anthony Pratt the exact number of nuclear warheads carried by US submarines and how close they could getContinue Reading